Wealth Management for the crème de la crème.

Accepting only 50 elite investors in this Cohort.

The Exclusive Suite

Prime investment experience for the select few.

Personalized Attention

Holistic Wealth Management

Dedicated Support

Why Reserve?

Hallmarks of trust and experience for managing your wealth.

We are Xtremely Selective

Less intakes, more attention. We intake a limited number of elite investors in each cohort to ensure that their wealth gets the attention that it deserves. We follow an extensive selection criteria and onboard eligible applicants who mirror our ideology.

We are Risk Averse

Nothing at the cost of invested capital. We prioritize capital safety over anything else to the extent that we refrain from stocks, cryptos and other risky investments. We believe that picking good opportunities in moderately conservative instruments and staying invested for long can compound wealth are far better than trying to outsmart everyone.

We are Process-oriented

We prioritize higher risk-adjusted returns. That’s why we follow the research framework of identifying industries with clear earnings visibility and tailwinds, followed by selecting companies with a quality business model, consistently robust financials, ethical management, reasonable valuations and adequate safety net.

We are Independent

Unlike our peers, we aren’t associated with any other financial institutions. We assure you that our processes are transparent and all investment solutions offered are entirely based on our research and their suitability to the client’s profile.

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Minimum Eligibility

Essentials to be a part of this coveted club.

Over 30 lakhs of Investible Surplus

Over 5 years of Investment Horizon

Preference Criteria

Jump the queue with the following attributes.

High Net Worth & History of Wealth Accumulation

Referral by an existing member of Reserve


Common questions to know Reserve better.

How does Reserve work?
Reserve is a dedicated wealth advisory service that onboards a limited number of elite investors each year and manages their wealth on all fronts from goal planning to investment action plan and more.
How much returns can I expect from Reserve?
Reserve is a personalized wealth management service designed to suit your needs. The returns delivered won’t be standard but rather in line with your goals and risk appetite.
Will Reserve invest on my behalf?
No. Reserve will provide you a detailed plan including where, how and when to invest, including schedule, rebalancing, redemption and a step-by-step guidance in investing. However, the money stays with you and has to be invested by you, preferably in consultation with us.
What is the fees for Reserve?
The fees for Reserve's wealth management service will be ₹ 45,000 for the first six months and ₹ 30,000 for every subsequent six-monthly period. Initial fees shall be payable before the commencement of the service & thereafter, before the beginning of each half-yearly period. For further details, contact us.
Do I have to pay upfront?
On successful admission to the cohort and upon completion of all administrative formalities, you will be required to pay the fees upfront. The payment of the recurring fees shall be due semi-annually, to be paid upfront.
How much time will it take to prepare my investment plan?
The time frame shall depend entirely on your financial profile, goals and existing investment plan. However, it may not take more than 10 days to deliver you an initial plan of action.
How frequently will my portfolio be reviewed?
Your portfolio will be reviewed when we onboard you and are done with the formalities. Subsequent reviews will be done after quarterly results and also every six months of the commencement of service. We might also review it in case we find lucrative opportunities or potential threats.
Where does my money get invested?
Your money gets invested in multiple asset classes based upon your profile, goals and risk appetite. It includes stocks, mutual funds, gold, FDs, bonds, pension & provident funds, other saving schemes, etc. Owing to unreasonable risk-to-reward ratios and our preference towards capital safety, we refrain from cryptocurrencies, real estate, etc.
Does my investments have a lock in period?
There isn't any such lock-in period for our service. However, we recommend you to stay invested for the long-term, i.e. at least 5 years, to unveil the maximum potential of our services. But the lock-in period of each of your investments shall depend upon your requirements and specific terms of the respective asset class, if any.
How can I contact you if I have any questions?
You can always count on our customer support by mailing us at reserve@finology.in and on the commencement of the service, You will also be assigned a personalized relationship manager & contact number.